Home > Events > The Street Project: Film screening and panel discussion
30 October, 2023
5:00 pm
Union South, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1308 W. Dayton St., Madison, Wisconsin
CNU Wisconsin has partnered with the Wisconsin Student Planning Association and Madison Bikes to present The Street Project, an inspiring film about a global movement to reclaim our largest public spaces, our streets. Our president, Chris McCahill, will join a panel after the film to discuss how the movie can inform Madison’s movement toward safer streets. Watch the trailer.

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The panel:
- Julianna Bennett, Madison Alder, District 2
- Alicia Bosscher, Organizer, Ride for Your Life
- Baltazar De Anda Santana, The Latino Academy of Workforce Development
- Chris McCahill, CNU Wisconsin
- Collin Mead, Wisconsin Bike Federation
- Morgan Ramaker, Downtown Madison, Inc.

Location: Union South, UW-Madison
Date: Monday, October 30
- 5pm: Social hour at the Sett Pub
- 6pm: Movie screening at The Marquee Cinema
- 7pm: Panel discussion

Free admission